Tuesday, May 02, 2006

YIKES!! May already!!

No update in a week. Its been a busy week.

I'm doing well. Can't believe we are into May already.

I just returned from a 3.4 mile run/walk. Feeling really good. I took a bottled water with me and plan on refilling it a lot today.

I watched Oprah's show yesterday with Dr. Oz. WOW unreal how just about everything in my kitchen is crap food. The show was a good wake up call to me. I'm going to attempt to focus more on eating natural foods -- i.e. fruits, vegetables, meats. I need to lay off all the processed crap. FOODS TO AVOID Also they recommend that you at least get 30 minutes of walking in every day. So my goal is to at least do 30 a day and more if I feel like it.

b-fast: cantalope
lunch: small baked potato topped with 1/2 chicken breast and salsa and 1T of sour cream.
snacks: granny smith apple; yogurt w/mixed berries; another granny smith apple
dinner: 7 raviolis; spaghetti sauce; spinach salad w/2T dressing; fresh pineapple

I've had a ton of water today. I have 8 points left still! I'm going to make some 94% fat free popsecret pop corn and watch my shows. Woohooo I wish every day was this easy.

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