Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I don't even know where the days go anymore  . . . it is the middle of February, how is that even possible?!!  Still plugging along with WW and points and exercise.  I've stepped it up and am back in losing mode.

I got this new gadget last week at WW.  I wear it every day now and it plugs into my computer and shows my activity, and gives me my daily activity points.  Pretty cool.  I think it has motivated me to exercise more.  We will see.  Tonight it said I earned 8 activity points today.

Here are some pics -- sort of random:

Love the way the trees look after a good snowfall  -- this is my favorite tree in our front yard:

We went to see Joseph last weekend at Nicolet.  WOW those kids are talented!!

Emma and her friends who came to see Joseph with us.  Frozen yogurt after the show.

I'm now mixing up my cardio, rather than being stuck doing the same workout.  Time to mix it up and get this weight OFF.  This machine has been kicking my butt this week at 5 a.m. :-)

My new 0 point food for when I get home from work and am making dinner. YUM!!

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