Friday, June 23, 2006

Girl's Weekend!!

The boys left this afternoon for a weekend camping trip with the scouts. It is so nice to have a girl's weekend here! We painted Kelly & Emma's room today/tonight. The color is called friendly frog :-) Kelly picked it out. I was a bit hesitant about it, but it looks really nice! The last time we painted the room was when Kelly was a newborn and Clint and I had just bought the house. We painted her room pink. I had no idea I would get emotional about this. But tonight when Kelly was going to roll over the last spot of pink, she was making a big deal about it. All of a sudden I was taken back 12 years to when we painted the room for our newborn. 12 years -- how on earth did that happen? Where did those years go? I actually started crying and she gave me a big hug. God I love this girl so much. She was so happy to be doing her room in teen colors and she loves that it is all in her control. She gets to say how she wants it done. She loves watching TLC and all the decorating shows. Thank goodness someone in the family has a sense of style/decoration.

Tomorrow we are heading to Cedarburg for Strawberry Fest. We've never gone to it before, but it sounds like fun. I'm glad we got the room done tonight so we can now enjoy the rest of the weekend.

My food/exercise has been horrible! I haven't made time to exercise, except for a few bike rides with the kids. And haven't written down a damn thing. I so want to get it all back in control, but life has been so hectic lately, that I can't seem to get it back. I will though. I'm turning 40 in August dammit! I don't want to be a cow. lol

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