Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Back to Blog/10 workouts in February

We had a great time in St. Louis. The place we stayed at was awesome. I even worked out both Saturday and Sunday mornings. I did 15 min. elliptical and 50 min. treadmill on Saturday. Sunday I did 50 minutes on the treadmill. I did pretty well with staying on program -- hard to know how many points. I'm still feeling a bit under the weather with this cold. It has developed into a nasty cough. YUCK. I didn't work out yesterday.

This morning Emma had her first of four dental appts. It went really well. She even went back into the room without me. The dentist did come out half way into it and said that he thought she would do better with another crown (upper right side of her mouth). So I gave the ok for that. So she had 2 crowns put in and a filling. We go back in 2 weeks for another side of the mouth. I will be glad when it is all done. But so relieved she wasn't traumatized!! We went right to Kohl's and she picked out a Polly Pocket set. Taking her to school in a few minutes. She will be joining the afternoon class for their Valentine's Party :)

I'm hoping to squeeze in a treadmill workout later this afternoon. Will update later. Just added up my workouts in February 9 so far. I must get on there today!!!

UPDATE: Just finished up 46 minutes on the treadmill, walk/run 4.17 miles, 578 calories. WOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so much better :-) Gotta shower quick and make my Valentine's dinner -- steak, baked potatoes and a veggie. This afternoon I dipped strawberries in chocolate. YUM!!

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