Monday, June 20, 2005


What a weekend. I guess there was a reason I worked out 4 days last week -- so I could eat pretty much everything the entire weekend. UGH! It is damn hard to be 38 years old (almost 39) and attempting to lose weight. There is ALWAYS something going on that involves food, food food. And I have yet to hear myself say NO THANKS!!! Now that I'm almost 40, that isn't working anymore. I can't lose weight unless I practically starve myself. It SUCKS. Ok enough whining.

I did another treadmill program today that had me doing some fast walking, then running repeats. I did 4.2 miles. Felt great. So I'm off to another great start for the week. Lets see how this week ends!! On Wednesday I'm taking Emma and Colin to my parents for a few days. I just want to go and lay out by the pool and read my book. Sounds darned good. Wish I was there now.

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