Wednesday, June 27, 2012


OMG the guilt!  Seriously I felt guilty and awful going to the refrigerator at work today and taking out a Diet Coke.  I haven’t done that in at least 10 months.  OMG.  It doesn’t even taste good.  The popcorn was in our kitchen and it tastes nasty, but here I sit eating it.   I’ve been so off of plan this week since the ½ marathon.  Hungry and not caring about tracking.  Ugh.  I hate hate hate when I get like this.  I need to get back into the right frame of mind NOW.  Going to the gym tomorrow for sure.   Have not worked out in 4 days.  I feel like crud.  

1 comment:

tammys3girleighs said...

girl!!! Im happy to be reading your blog again..
ummm diet coke.. one every 10 months .. its all good..
The popcorn looks tasty!!!