Thursday, December 22, 2005


I DID IT!! I went to Bally's 12 Days this month. Woohoo. Amazing how that little thing got me down there day after day. 12 doesn't sound like a lot -- but 12 in December sure does. I looked around the gym today and everyone was FIT. I'm sure after the 1st, it will be a different scene. But it sure felt good to be there among the dedicated fit people. lol

15 min stairmill -- 76 floors, 1.58 miles, 200 cals.
18 min crosstrainer -- 1.81 miles, 266 cals
25 minutes treadmill -- power walk w/incline -- 1.76 miles, 241 cals.

I have to go to school in a bit with Emma's b-day treat. Because her b-day is in June when they are out of school, they celebrate her half b-day. Nothing like adding a little more to my platter the last day of school before Christmas. Oh well. We went to the store bakery and got a platter of mini cupcakes that are decorated. Hard to believe she is 5 1/2!

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