Friday, July 15, 2005


I almost forgot to blog my workout today. I've been really super lazy today and enjoying every minute of it. But I did get on the treadmill late this morning -- I did 4.1 miles -- ran the first mile, then walk/ran the last 3.1. I'm fighting a head cold for about 1 1/2 weeks now. I hate summer colds. I'm still dealing with pain in my left foot/heel arch area. I'm not sure what I did to it. But it hasn't stopped me from working out. I feel so much better being consistent again with the workouts.

Tomorrow we take Colin to Camp One Step at a Time. It is in Lake Geneva. I can't wait for him to go. I think it will be good for him. It sounds like he will have a great time. And I have plans for the girls and I to have a fun week without their irritating, annoying and of course loving brother around.

Colin had his checkup yesterday at Children's. Everything went well. His counts look good, but his platelets did go down slightly. They are still in the normal range, but I was looking over the past couple of months of counts, and they seem to be creeping down each appt. I guess I have this nagging worry now and will be anxious to see what they are in August. I hope to God everything is ok! They were not concerned about it at clinic. But you know how it is when you come home and look over all the numbers and the mind starts wondering. When he relapsed in 2002, the number that kept going down over the month before they diagnosed his relapse, was his platelets. So that is why I worry.

Gotta go get Kelly ready for her Harry Potter party at the book store tonight. She is going with Megan. 9-Midnight tonight :) I had ordered her the book from -- it is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow.

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