Wednesday, January 01, 2014

2014 - Strength and Peace

Happy New Year -- 2014!  WOW.  Hard to believe.

This year my fitness goals are geared more towards strength training.  I've been doing strength training 3 days a week the past 2 months, with my neighbor Marissa.  We go at 5 a.m.  One of the gym trainers got us started in the "scary" part of the gym.  The place i've ignored for years -- the free weights.  Now, I love and actually look forward to my weight days.  Mondays we do chest/triceps/abs; Wednesday are legs/abs; and Friday is biceps/back/abs.  I still do cardio, but not nearly as much. Today I did a warm up on the stairmill, then the leg weights, then 2 mile run/walk on treadmill.

I'm happy that at 47 I'm still going to the gym and making fitness a priority.  Clint gave me an entry into the Summerfest Rock N Sole half marathon in June.  It will be my 3rd year in a row of doing it.


Happy 2014

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I don't even know where the days go anymore  . . . it is the middle of February, how is that even possible?!!  Still plugging along with WW and points and exercise.  I've stepped it up and am back in losing mode.

I got this new gadget last week at WW.  I wear it every day now and it plugs into my computer and shows my activity, and gives me my daily activity points.  Pretty cool.  I think it has motivated me to exercise more.  We will see.  Tonight it said I earned 8 activity points today.

Here are some pics -- sort of random:

Love the way the trees look after a good snowfall  -- this is my favorite tree in our front yard:

We went to see Joseph last weekend at Nicolet.  WOW those kids are talented!!

Emma and her friends who came to see Joseph with us.  Frozen yogurt after the show.

I'm now mixing up my cardio, rather than being stuck doing the same workout.  Time to mix it up and get this weight OFF.  This machine has been kicking my butt this week at 5 a.m. :-)

My new 0 point food for when I get home from work and am making dinner. YUM!!

Tuesday, January 01, 2013


Happy New Year.

No resolutions, just continue on my journey of health and fitness.  I got sidetracked the past 4 months and really didn't follow the healthy eating side of things.  I gained some weight and my clothes are tight.  Here are some goals I have for 2013:

Lose 4-5 pounds a month and be at GOAL by May 1st.

Clint and I are signed up with 2 other people to run a marathon relay on January 19.  It is indoors -- around an olympic size ice skaing rink.  Hmmm will be interesting.

Run the Summerfest Half Marathon in June (Clint and I are registered already)

Maybe run the Brewer's Half Marathon in September.

This morning we went to the gym :)

Molly says "Happy New Year"

Our girls :)

Clint and my Mom - great pic

Emma broke her arm on Christmas day

My Family -- November 2012

Friday, December 28, 2012

December 28, 2012

Well my blogging in the last quarter of 2012 has sucked.  I will end it with at least one December entry.

Yuck I feel gross -- food/sugar coma.  I have let sugar re-enter my daily diet BIG TIME.  I feel so gross.  Sugar coma.

I'm off of work this week.  It has been wonderful.  I just wrote out our check for property taxes.  I'm going to go pay that in a few minutes, then head to the gym.  Clint and I went to gym yesterday.  I ran/walked 5 miles.  Just need to purge the darned sugar in 2013.

I have goals for 2013, but will post those in 2013.

WATER I need you. lol

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Yikes 11/15/12

Wow it has been almost 2 months since I blogged.  Crazy how fast the days/nights/weekends fly by!!  Am going to blog more the rest of 2012 through the holidays and into the New Year.

Dinner tonight -- just 5 points in one.  Very tasty!!!  I bought them from Costco quite awhile ago, and forgot i had them in the freezer.  Glad I pulled them out and tried.  Will be eating more of these throughout the holiday season.

Clint and I got up this morning and went to LA Fitness.  I ran/walked 4.5 miles.  Awesome sweaty workout.  

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Ran my second half marathon in 2012. Woohooo.  Milwaukee Brewer's Inaugural Mini.  It was an awesome route -- perfect combo of hills and flat.  I'm pretty sure I am completely done doing full marathons, but will stick to half marathons.  Clint and I already registered for the Summerfest Rock and Sole half Marathon next June :)

Now on to the bummed out news -- I've gained 10 pounds since August!! OMG.  Went on vacation and haven't stopped eating like a slob.  So my next goal is losing 15 pounds  before the end of the year.  Lord help me.  grrrrrrrrrrr.

I raised over $700 for the MACC fund and ran in Honor of Colin, my survivor :)

Friday, August 24, 2012